Friday, April 22, 2016; ATMile 91.7
Walked from 83.2 to 95.7 or 12.5 miles.
Started 7:00 AM, stopped 04:00 AM.
Ave mph was 1.39, excluding lunch.
Battery used: 8 percent
Today it rained and rained and rained. Last night it rained. Yesterday a trail runner told Sage and Lilly Slipper there would be no significant accumulation. Balderdash!
The tent has dirt splatter all over the outside. Everything I wore today was sopping wet. And I expect to put them all on wet tomorrow morning. Hoping sunny then so they will dry.
I think Sage and Lilly Slipper are older than me. They camped by the tree last night near me. Nice people. I only saw 3 thrus going north today. Suspect they may all have stayed at the shelters.
I took some photos of the rainy landscape. Nothing to look forward to. Big hill in today's hike but most grades were relatively gentle. I found the same stealth site as last year to camp. Then my ankle was seriously hurting. I've bee more careful this year and everything seems fine.
No AT&T service. Have a good night.
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