Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Day 4 Neels Gap to Low Gap Shelter

31.7 to 43.2 or 11.2 miles. Started 10:10 am and finished 7:20 pm.

Monday April 27, 2015.  Here's today's elevation profile:

This is my second time writing this. The first version was lost by the app.  

It was another nice day. Except during mid-day there's a chilly breeze on most exposed slopes.  I got started late because I did my laundry at Mountain Crossings. But I want to spend some time on yesterday. 

Blood Mountain was a 1500 foot climb and descent at the end of the day. Very rocky on the way down. My primary limitation seems to be my oxygen system. Lungs and heart labor on uphills. I pause every once in a while to let my breathing slow. Then I take it carefully on the downhills.  Anyway you can tell I'm not fast. I'm pretty tired at the end of each day.  And I'm stopping too late for a leisurely setup and dinner. 

I got in yesterday after Mountain Crossings had closed. So no picking up my mail drop, buying dinner or doing laundry. I got a bunk but had to wait till 08:30 the next morning to pay etc. But they wanted us out of the bunk room by 09:00. The rush was irritating. 

Machine was there ahead of me but for some reason he set up his tent for the first time. Somehow Butterbeard got there several hours earlier. I had seen him a couple of days ago and thought he was behind us. He gave me a Hot Pocket. Really appreciated it. Then we got into a political discussion. He's a liberal and I hope he didn't regret the Hot Pocket!

Finally, don't expect these daily. I will write them each evening but I probably won't get enough signal to transmit photos except for towns. I'm getting failures with just a bar or two. 

Well here's today's photos.  Good night!

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